Learn Dutch online for free

Gain confidence with unlimited practice and feedback from native Dutch speakers in the Busuu Community.

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Dutch courses for your learning (or language) goals

Learn Dutch

Try speaking, listening, reading and writing in Dutch with our Complete Dutch online course. With Dutch lessons covering everything from learning basic vocabulary to advanced grammar, our interactive lessons will get you speaking Dutch confidently in no time.

Dutch for Business

Do you want to speak Dutch with confidence in the workplace? This course covers things like local workplace etiquette, norms and business-specific vocabulary. With Dutch as an official language in six countries, you never know where it may take you.

Dutch Pronunciation

Our dedicated Dutch pronunciation lessons will teach you all you need to know about the Dutch language and how it sounds. Hear native speakers pronounce those tricky words, then you’ll be given plenty of opportunities to practise and get feedback.

How to really learn Dutch online

What you’ll do How it works
1. Study Our bite-sized Dutch lessons mean you can study Dutch as much or as little as you want. Keep it interesting with comprehension exercises, listening exercises, writing challenges and conversations. Plus, our personalised Study Plan helps keep you on track when learning Dutch online.
2. Remember Our smart vocabulary and grammar review tool knows which words you’ve learned, and which ones you’re struggling with. We will tailor your quizzes to help lodge words into your long-term memory.
3. Test yourself Put everything you’ve learned into practice without the stress. Complete a written or spoken exercise, send it out to our community of native speakers, then receive helpful feedback that will help you improve – all within the app.

Speak Dutch with confidence

Get started

Our bite-sized Dutch lessons are created by experts, so you’ll start building solid foundations straight away. Follow an easy path as far as you want to go on your language-learning journey.

Make faster progress

See how far you’ve come with your Dutch each time you log on, and quickly identify what vocab and grammar need more work. Feedback from native speakers will take your learning even further.

Expand your knowledge

Your goal, your choice. Build confidence in the basics, then work towards upper-intermediate level (B2) with our Complete Dutch course. Improve your skills in Dutch Pronunciation and even master Dutch for Business.

Learn Dutch, use it, master it

Join Busuu, the language-learning community that really teaches you how to speak Dutch. 100% of beginners agree.

Learn Dutch anytime, on your desktop and on your phone

With the Busuu app, you can work on your Dutch anywhere, anytime – you can even download lessons and learn Dutch offline. Our approach to learning Dutch means you’ll be able to communicate from the very first lesson.

Free Dutch learning app