Learn the Italian Numbers 1 to 100

Start mastering how to pronounce and count all the numbers in Italian.

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Wanting to shop in an outdoor market in an Italian piazza? Exchange phone numbers with a new friend? Understand a platform change at the train station?

When it comes to everyday situations, Italian numbers are your new best friend. You may feel that counting from 1 to 100 in Italian is a mountain to climb, but we’ll help you conquer the small and big numbers with patterns that make each step simple.

Once you’ve mastered this essential part of learning Italian, you can enjoy your formaggio Parmigiano from the market— and relax because you understood exactly how much you spent before paying.

Uno, due, tre…let’s start learning Itailan numbers!

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Start the countdown to fluency in Italian by learning numbers like “uno, due, tre” (one, two, three) and use them in your daily conversations. Try out Busuu’s free online courses and learning resources!

Numbers 1 to 10 in Italian

Numeral Italian number Pronunciation
1 uno OO-noh
2 due DOO-eh
3 tre treh
4 quattro KWAH-troh
5 cinque CHEEN-kweh
6 sei sey
7 sette SET-teh
8 otto OH-toh
9 nove NOH-veh
10 dieci Dee-EH-chee

If you’re familiar with other romance languages, then counting from 1 to 10 in Italian is intuitive. Mastering these first ten numbers gives you a solid foundation for building higher numbers, so take the time to get comfortable with them.

Italian numbers 1-10 tend to take these two endings:

  • o (uno, quattro, otto)
  • e (due, tre, cinque, sette, nove)

Ten (dieci) and 6 (sei) are exceptions. We’ll get to them in a minute. First, it’s good to remember that these o and e endings should have a short, almost breathy sound. Especially for otto (8), open your mouth wide to make the “oh” sound at the beginning and end of the word.

Like the rest of Italian, i numeri italiani have their own movement— an up-and-down flow of pronunciation. When listening to an Italian-speaker, try to make your words follow their flow. For most numbers between 1 and 10, the “punch” or emphasis in the word comes at the beginning— “uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque…”

Ten (dieci) is different because the emphasis rises on the middle sound instead— dee-EH-chee. Notice that the letter combination ci in Italian makes the English “ch” sound as in ciao bella!

Sei (6) is another unique number. While it sounds like the English word “say”, you can draw out the ending into a longer ee sound to make it SEY-ee.

Wondering about 0? Zero is spelled the same as English but is pronounced dsee-roh.

Numbers 11-20 in Italian

You’ve got the first ten numbers down! Here’s a good rule of thumb for numbers 11-20:

  • 11-16, add dici after the root number. Tre + dici = tredici (13)
  • 17-19, add the root number after dici. Dici + otto = diciotto (18)

While this is a general pattern, most numbers vary slightly from it. Follow our tips below to memorise these key numbers.

Numbers 11-20 in Italian

Numeral Italian number Pronunciation
11 undici OON-dee-chee
12 dodici DOH-dee-chee
13 tredici TREH-dee-chee
14 quattordici kwah-TOHR-dee-chee
15 quindici KWEEN-dee-chee
16 sedici SEH-dee-chee
17 diciassette Deech-ah-SET-teh
18 diciotto Deech-OH-toh
19 diciannove Deech-ahn-NOH-veh
20 venti VEN-tee

For longer numbers, the emphasis falls at different places in the word. Quattordici (14) is stressed on the second syllable – kwah-TOHR-dee-chee. Quattordici fichi, per favore – fourteen figs, please…

Ready for another pro tip? When you come across the letter combination cia in Italian, the “i” becomes silent. So diciassette (17) is pronounced deech-ah-set-teh.

Numbers 21-50 in Italian

Numeral Spelling Pronunciation
21 ventuno ven-too-noh
22 ventidue ven-tee-doo-eh
23 ventitré ven-tee-treh
24 ventiquattro ven-tee-kwah-troh
25 venticinque ven-tee-cheen-kweh
26 ventisei ven-tee-sey
27 ventisette ven-tee-set-teh
28 ventotto ven-tot-toh
29 ventinove ven-tee-noh-veh
30 trenta TREN-tah
31 trentuno tren-tot-toh
32 trentadue tren-tah-doo-eh
33 trentatré tren-tah-treh
34 trentaquattro tren-tah-kwah-troh
35 trentacinque tren-tah-cheen-kweh
36 trentasei tren-tah-sey
37 trentasette tren-tah-set-teh
38 trentotto tren-tot-toh
39 trentanove tren-tah-noh-veh
40 quaranta kwah-RAHN-tah
41 quarantuno kwah-rahn-too-noh
42 quarantadue kwah-rahn-tah-doo-eh
43 quarantatré kwah-rahn-tah-treh
44 quarantaquattro kwah-rahn-tah-kwah-troh
45 quarantacinque kwah-rahn-tah-cheen-kweh
46 quarantasei kwah-rahn-tah-sey
47 quarantasette kwah-rahn-tah-set-teh
48 quarantotto kwah-rahn-tot-toh
49 quarantanove kwah-rahn-tah-noh-veh
50 cinquanta cheen-KWAHN-tah

Learn how to count in Italian!

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Skip straight to the good stuff. Busuu’s free online Italian course can help you learn and practice using numbers like “due” (two) to indicate how many bread or croissants you want to order!

While Italian numbers may look long, this is because they don’t use hyphens like English. Higher numbers follow a simple pattern.

After venti (20), just add the root number directly after the tens figure. Venti + due = ventidue. The only exceptions are when adding 1 or 8. For these the vowel ending is dropped completely (“i” for venti or “a” for all other tens figures). It becomes ventuno (21) and ventotto (28), or trentuno (31) and trentotto (38).

One last thing to remember is that when adding three, the e takes an accent and becomes trentatré, quarantatré, etc.

Numbers 51-100 in Italian

Numeral Spelling Pronunciation
51 cinquantuno cheen-kwahn-too-noh
52 cinquantadue cheen-kwahn-tah-doo-eh
53 cinquantatré cheen-kwahn-tah-treh
54 cinquantaquattro cheen-kwahn-tah-kwah-troh
55 cinquantacinque cheen-kwahn-tah-cheen-kweh
56 cinquantasei cheen-kwahn-tah-sey
57 cinquantasette cheen-kwahn-tah-set-teh
58 cinquantotto cheen-kwahn-tot-toh
59 cinquantanove cheen-kwahn-tah-noh-veh
60 sessanta seh-sahn-teh
61 sessantuno seh-sahn-too-noh
62 sessantadue seh-sahn-tah-doo-eh
63 sessantatré seh-sahn-tah-treh
64 sessantaquattro seh-sahn-tah-kwah-troh
65 sessantacinque seh-sahn-tah-cheen-kweh
66 sessantasei seh-sahn-tah-sey
67 sessantasette seh-sahn-tah-seh-teh
68 sessantotto seh-sahn-tot-toh
69 sessantanove seh-sahn-tah-noh-veh
70 settanta seh-TAHN-tah
71 settantuno seh-tahn-tah-ooh-noh
72 settantadue seh-tahn-tah-dooh-eh
73 settantatré seh-tahn-tah-treh
74 settantaquattro seh-tahn-tah-kwah-troh
75 settantacinque seh-tahn-tah-cheen-kweh
76 settantasei seh-tahn-tah-sey
77 settantasette seh-tahn-tah-seh-teh
78 settantotto seh-tahn-tot-toh
79 settantanove seh-tahn-tah-noh-veh
80 ottanta oh-TAHN-tah
81 ottantuno oh-tahn-too-noh
82 ottantadue oh-tahn-tah-doo-eh
83 ottantatré oh-tahn-tah-treh
84 ottantaquattro oh-tahn-tah-kwah-troh
85 ottantacinque oh-tahn-tah-cheen-kweh
86 ottantasei oh-tahn-tah-sey
87 ottantasette oh-tahn-tah-set-teh
88 ottantotto oh-tahn-tot-tah
89 ottantanove oh-tahn-tah-noh-veh
90 novanta noh-VAHN-tah
91 novantuno noh-vahn-too-noh
92 novantadue noh-vahn-tah-doo-eh
93 novantatré noh-vahn-tah-treh
94 novantaquattro noh-vahn-tah-kwah-troh
95 novantacinque noh-vahn-tah-cheen-kweh
96 novantasei noh-vahn-tah-sey
97 novantasette noh-vahn-tah-set-teh
98 novantotto noh-vahn-tot-toh
99 novantanove noh-vahn-tah-noh-veh
100 cento CHEN-toh

Just like the ci in dieci, the ce in cento (100) is also pronounced with a “ch” sound.

Numbers in Italian

Ordinal Numbers in Italian

Ordinal numbers come in clutch when you’re wanting to schedule a meeting or understand when something is happening. Ordinals follow their root number forms, with the exception of primo (first) which is special just because.

Ordinal Numbers in Italian

Root Numeral English ordinal Italian ordinal
1 first primo
2 second secondo
3 third terzo
4 fourth quarto
5 fifth quinto
6 sixth sesto
7 seventh settimo
8 eighth ottavo
9 ninth nono
10 tenth decimo

How to use Italian numbers in everyday life

Ready for practical tips on how to put your numbers to use in conversation?

How to say your age

Quanti anni hai? How old are you? (informal) Ho ventiquattro anni. I’m twenty-four years old.

How to say your telephone number

Qual é il tuo numero di telefono? What is your phone number? (informal) Il mio numero di telefono é… My phone number is…

How to say a price

Quanto costa/costano? How much does it/do they cost? Cinque euro. (It costs) five euros.

Note that in Italian you do not need the plural “s” on euros— just stick with saying euro no matter how much it is.

Bravissimo! You’ve arrived at 100 and are ready to take your numeri italiani to the streets. Don’t forget to listen to the melody of the words, and let your numbers flow. You’ll soon be on your way to speaking Italian with confidence.

And now you know your Italian numbers

And there you have it! Italian numbers, 1 to 100, covered.

That wasn’t so hard, right? When you set your mind to it, learning to count is as simple as uno, due, tre – that’s 1, 2, 3 in Italian, as you now know.

Wait! Don’t stop at 100

Practice your numbers and keep learning more Italian with Busuu, a Chegg service. On Busuu, you can learn a language with bite-sized lessons designed by experts – all it takes is a few minutes a day.