Language Learning Survey 2017

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Busuu have recently conducted the annual language learning survey with their worldwide community of language learners. The results are in and show how language learners progress across the globe.

We wanted to know about your working habits, learning quirks, and reasons for pursuing a language. Splitting the data by region means we can make sure we're tailoring all our developments to what you need most in each location.

ages per country 2017

How does your country compare with whether you learn for work or travel?



Brazil, China, Japan, Poland


Germany, France, UK, US
Work & Travel

Work & Travel

Italy, Russia

Top languages per country 2017 average hours studied 2017

Our community is one of the most important aspects of the Busuu learning experience so we’re super happy to see that 95% of our Premium users would recommend us to a friend.

Read a full Language Learning Survey 2017

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